(I hate asking celebrities to take pictures with me, so I did this for you folks...and could Teri
Hatcher not look any better!)

(Above Steven Weber and myself, below my sister Natalie and I volunteering at the Principal Charity Golf Classic)

Today my day was all about the Principal Charity Golf Classic. It started with my sister Natalie and I volunteering by manning the tee box on hole number eleven. We got to chat with the golfers which included many of the pros and some local favorites like UNI Men's Basketball coach Ben Jacobson. We were there on behalf of Variety the Children's Charity. It was a gorgeous sunny day and boy I'm I glad we loaded up on sunscreen.
I took a little break from my maternity leave to interview Teri
Hatcher and Steven Weber. You may recognize
Hatcher from her role on "Desperate Housewives" and Weber for his role on "Wings". Both are here to play a round of golf on Wednesday to help raise money for various children's charities including Variety the Children's Charity. The President of ABC 5, Ray Cole, asked the two of them to come and they did. He's also the one who got Michael J. Fox to the tournament last year and Rob Lowe the year before that.
Hatcher was so funny and gorgeous in person. I'm really happy her career took off again with "Desperate Housewives" because she truly deserves her fame. She was so gracious and humble. You'll have to watch my story with her tonight on 10@10, it will also be on our website. She's said she's nervous to play tomorrow because she hasn't played in years. So she said she got a really cute little outfit to make up for it and plans to sign a lot of autographs.
Weber is one witty guy. He kind of reminded me of his character on "Wings". Did you know he's the voice of Principal? He also said he's the
conscience of Principal too, but somehow I doubt that.
I hope everyone is able to make it out to the tournament for at least one day, you'll help raise money for Iowa's Children. It's a lot of fun and what a unique event for our great city to have, so lets support it! Tickets are available at
Rachel Pierce