Monday, October 18, 2010

Des Moines Marathon!

(Rachel Pierce and Amanda Krenz)
What a perfect and fun day Sunday was for the Des Moines Marathon! Amanda Krenz and I helped with the announcing at the event, it was such a great event to be part of! If you were out there you probably saw or heard us at the start and finish line platforms. We got to interview so many amazing people who were running for many moving causes. It was motivating! With 7,777 runners, plus all the spectators and over 1,500 volunteers, it made for one huge crowd and electrifying atmosphere.

I had been training for the half marathon for months. Yesterday I couldn't have asked for better weather for the race, it was cool, not too breezy and just perfect. In fact I ran my best race yet! I ran it in one hour fifty minutes which is a 8:25 average mile! I wasn't the only one who had a PR, five men broke the marathon course record and four men broke the half marathon course record! And the overall men's marathon winner it was his first marathon!!!

It was such a blast I can't wait for next year!

Rachel Pierce