It's been a rough couple of months for my family. I lost my Grandma Krenz (pictured on the left) the first of December. She had Alzheimer's. I lost my Grandma Moore (pictured below) January 12th. She had cancer. I feel so grateful to have had a close relationship with both of them, and I'm thankful I got to say "goodbye" to them during their final days.
In my experience grandmother's are simply, really neat to have in your life. When I was growing up I looked so forward to seeing them. They always had small gifts ready, their houses were so tidy and full of lots of cool/antique/breakable stuff, and they cooked amazing food. Isn't that everything that grandmothers should be?
I've never lived in a world without my grandma's so this is definitely going to feel like a new chapter in my life. Although I wish they were still here and I miss them, I will cherish the time I had with them and hold a ton of precious memories close to my heart.
As always, thank you for reading. -Amanda