I can't believe our little Lydia Lane is already a year old. Everyone says it goes by so fast...and it really does. She's is such a big girl, she's almost walking on her own but she still likes to hold onto our hands, she's just not quite ready to let go. She says Dada about five hundred times a day and Mama only three times. Her other word it "dat" for dog and she loves dogs! She can't get enough of our two pups at home and any other dog. Whenever we are outside she always tries to walk over to the neighbors to see their dog.
Lydia now gives eskimo kisses (touching noses) and has been giving hugs for awhile. She loves to hand me things and just this morning unloaded most of the dishwasher (ie tossed everything out of it.) Books are still one of her favorite things. She now dances and loves "Dancing with the Stars", thank goodness I work for ABC;) All in all she's one happy baby that brings us so much joy!
It just seems to get more and more fun at our house everyday...and more and more crowded with toys!
By the way the pictures were done by my friend while we were in Texas. Kirsi Ingram is one talented photographer. She managed to take these pictures even though Lydia was not feeling good at all and wasn't in the best of moods.
Rachel Pierce