Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Treats, a 4 year-old, and weird photo phase?

I have fond memories of Rice Krispie Treat Nests with jelly beans. It's been a long time since I've seen or eaten them so I thought I'd give it a shot and in the process start making memories for my boys. This morning we made our little nests and if I do say so myself... not too shabby. Tonight we'll deliver them to neighbors and this weekend we'll give them away to family.

Thanks to my husband for taking the artsy photos :)

It's been a busy time in our household. Between making easter treats, following a new workout plan 6 days a week (Kosama), and the usual day-to-day routine... I planned a birthday party. Maddox turned four. The party was a big success (race car theme and pizza). But I have a question for those of you reading this. Have you known kids around this age to go through a weird stage when they pose for photos? It seems like Maddox is having a tough time smiling and looking at the camera at the same time so lately we end up with photos like these :

We keep telling him to look at the camera and smile and we do multiple takes but when Maddox looks back at this phase of his life this is what he's going to see. Lots of 'unique' faces in front of the camera. Oh well, it just makes us love him even more :)

Happy Easter!
