Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cloth Diapers

I know before Lydia was born I mentioned that we we were going to use cloth diapers. We are now four months in and loving them.
The picture above is the kind we use, fuzzi bunz. Here's their website:
They are so easy, as long as you stay on top of the washing. We do still use disposable when we travel or are at my parents house.
I just feel so much better knowing there's no chemicals on her skin, only this super soft cloth. I wash them in organic soap and they come out perfectly clean no matter what mess is in them. My husband did install a sprayer on our toilet but we haven't had to use it yet, I'm sure that day will come when she starts eating solid food. (Probably too much information)
If you're thinking about cloth diapers there's a great store in Valley Junction called Little Padded Bottoms. They have all kinds of different cloth diapers and even offer a free class on cloth diapering.
Rachel Pierce