Monday, March 14, 2011


This past Saturday I just wrapped up my ten week training program with Kosama. Kosama is six days a week doing either plyometrics, kettle balls, yoga, kick-boxing, upper and lower body workouts. It was tough. I was so sore or tired most of the time. But it was totally worth and I feel so strong and in shape now. I would workout either at 5am or 9am. Getting up at at 4:15 am after getting off of work at 11pm was a little tough, not to mention I still am nursing a baby. (Probably too much information).

The first day of the program we did an assessment which included pictures, body fat measurements, weight, push-ups, planks, sit up and more. I had my "final assessment" on Saturday and I was really happy with my results. I lost weight, body fat and gained so much strength. I was able to do a pull-up, may not sound like much but I have NEVER EVER in my entire life been able to do a pull-up. I also improved on how many sit-up, push-up I could do. For planks at the beginning I was able to do a minute and a half, my final assessment I was able to do four minutes and forty five seconds! I'd share my before and after pictures, but I was in a swimsuit and I don't even know if I'd share that with my husband.

I could have become an alumni and continued on and I may do so in the fall but for now I'm just going to get ready for some upcoming races. I even got in a four and a half mile run today.

If you're interested in doing Kosama I highly recommend it! I loved it! In fact Amanda Krenz has had to listen to me talk about it the last ten weeks and she must of liked what she heard because she started her first day today!

Rachel Pierce