Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Great Valentine's Day

I know some people love Valentine's Day and some people don't. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Although, now that I have children each holiday seems more special and definitely more fun.

My husband and I agreed not to go too crazy with gifts for Valentine's day (both for us and our boys). We are going to emphasize 'thoughtful' gifts or 'homemade gifts' for holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day etc. So this Valentine's day the boys got a little candy and a nice card, my hubby got a nice new razor, some chocolate, and a card (Altogether it cost me less than 3$ with my coupons!!!)

The best part was letting the boys pick out Valentine's and treats for their classrooms at daycare. And they LOVED their parties and their little treat bags. Oh, I guess I should mention what I received from my Valentine... it might be the best gift ever... a paper cutter!!! Yes, that's right a paper cutter to help me clip my coupons. But the best part is that my husband used a 50% off coupon to get it. AWESOME!