Monday, January 11, 2010

Kids really do say the darndest things!

I can't wait to hear back from some of you on this. I only have one child, Maddox. He's two-years-old and I can barely keep up with the quirky, surprisingly intelligent, hilarious things that come out of this mouth. I will share a few recent ones.

This morning as I was getting him dressed for daycare he was giving me hugs and kisses and he looked into my eyes and said, "Mommy, I love love love love love love love.... love love EYEBALLS." I lost it, I started laughing so hard that he started laughing at me.

Just the other day all three of us were in the living room and my son walked over to the coffee table and stood there with his hands resting on it as if it were a podium. He said with authority, "Ladies and Gentlemen..." then he paused while my husband and I looked at him in shock (we'd never heard him say that before). He continued with, "there's a monster in the basement!" Where does he come up with this stuff?

One more recent example: My husband picked my son up from daycare on a very chilly day. When the two of them were walking out of the car my son asked what was coming out of daddy's mouth. My husband explained to him that it was his breath and that's what happens when it's very cold. Maddox then came to his own conclusion and said, "Daddy, you're dressed like a volcano."

I could go on and on, but I'll anxiously await for some of your responses. Are any of you teachers? I'm sure you've heard some good ones too. Please share!


A couple of cute stories from one of our blog readers, Rebecca:

When my son, Trenton, was 3 1/2 he was playing catch with his sister and our neighbors. He fell down, got up and said "That wasn't supposed to happen."

This past June he was in the pre-op room because he had to get his tonsils/adnoids removed. The nurse had just given him the versed (a drug to calm them and make them not remember being wheeled into the o.r.) and he said "I think my heart is out" as he was feeling his chest.