Monday, May 31, 2010

Not Sitting 'Well'

Many of you have heard the numerous news stories about the oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. Is it just me or does the news get exponentially worse every day? We get new information daily, even hourly, that says there's more oil leaking than originally thought. I keep thinking surely they will get a handle on this, right? Then I read a script about how BP's latest effort to contain the gush of oil has failed. On top of that, I have the ability to watch a 24-hour live feed of the camera positioned on the floor of the Gulf at the heart of the leak. It plays continuously in our newsroom. It's quite depressing and disturbing to watch.

Here's a link to PBS, they have a live video feed online.

What do you guys think? How are you affected by this? Does it make you think twice about stopping at a BP gas station?

I'd love to hear from you.
