Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A "Sucker" for Sophie

So, I've been hearing all about this teething toy named "Sophie" the Giraffe. Rachel told me about her originally (she blogged about her too). Then I just started seeing, hearing, and reading about her everywhere (it's all the rage with celebrity babies). For some reason I never heard of her when my oldest son was a baby. I was baffled why anyone would pay $20 for this rubber giraffe. Well guess who bought one today...

I couldn't resist the temptation, I had to know what all the hype was about. Also, Mercer seems to be the prime age for kids who like this toy. Before I took the leap, I did some research. Sophie is made in France with 100% natural rubber derived from the sap of the Hevea Tree (whatever that is). But get this, she's been around since 1961! She's exactly the same today as she was when she was first 'born.' Obviously there's something about this cute little piece of rubber if she's this popular almost 50 years later. If you want to read more about this wonder toy click here. So far, Mercer seems to enjoy her company :)
Sidenote: You can't find Sophie just anywhere, more specialty shops. I found her at KangarooBoo in Valley Junction, what a cool store! I'll definitely be stopping in again.
Let me know of other cool 'must have' toys for kids.