Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sophie The Giraffe

My daughter may only be four and a half months old but she already has a favorite toy. We picked up Sophie the Giraffe at Suite Dreams in Clive before Lydia was born. I pulled it out of its box when Lydia was about two months old and we quickly learned she loved this toy. The small hunk of plastic was more than twenty bucks, but really its worth its weight in gold. Its actually the number one selling toy on Amazon. It must be the shape of the giraffes head and legs are perfect for a baby's mouth. She just chews on this toy non-stop. Now that she can pick her toys she always goes for Sophie. If she's getting cranky, we hand her Sophie.
Well we were leaving town this past weekend for a wedding in Omaha and we could not find Sophie anywhere. We turned the house upside down looking for her, with no luck. Even though the dogs stay away from Lydia's toys we wonder if Sophie is buried out back in the flower beds. If that's the case it's now my dogs most expensive toy. Needless to say we couldn't go another day without her so we spend another twenty plus bucks for another Sophie and we once again have a content baby.
Rachel Pierce