Thursday, September 16, 2010

12 weeks later....

I've returned to work and the blogging world! I had a wonderful maternity leave, hard to believe it's over. As I said on the air, it was hard to leave my new baby but when you get to come back to a job where you like what you do and who you work with it makes it so much easier (I'm not just saying that in case the boss reads this).

Rachel's done a great job keeping up the blog. Thanks for your patience if you've been antsy to hear from me.
I had the pleasure of moderating the debate between Governor Culver and former Governor Branstad in Sioux City at the remarkable Orpheum Theater. Here are some photos courtesy of the Sioux City Journal.

Above is a shot of our rehearsal.
This is a nice shot of the theater. This was taken right before the broadcast started. You can see me in the middle of the stage with Larry Wentz. He was the other moderator. He's an anchor with KCAU in Sioux City and was a pleasure to work with.
The debate.
Got caught on camera adjusting my earpiece.
Shaking hands after a lively hour of television.
And again, the beautiful theater. It was such a great venue for this event. If you missed the debate, I believe you can still watch it on Iowa Public Television, they've been rerunning it.
It was an incredible experience to be part of this debate. Granted, it was a bit stressful coming back from maternity leave and trying to tackle this big of a project, but the debate was a huge success.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading!