Thursday, November 26, 2009

The "Name Game"

As I write this blog entry I am now 22 weeks into my first pregnancy. My husband and I could not wait (although he claims he knew anyway), so yes we did find out the sex of our baby. We are having a little girl. I’m one of four girls and love the thought of having a daughter. It is the first girl grandchild on my side of the family and the first grandchild ever on my husband’s.

We picked out names on our honeymoon, so that has been settled for a while. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback about what we have chosen, but surprisingly some negative comments as well. It is not like we went with something crazy like “Pilot Inspektor” (seriously, Google it). Don’t folks realize this is the name we are sticking with? Have you had this happen to you?

Rachel Pierce