Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Southern Style

I’m back from a wonderful four day Thanksgiving holiday. We visited my in-laws in Coldwater, Mississippi. On Thanksgiving Day there were thirty people at my in-laws house, each of them brought about three dishes apiece. You can do the math, it was a lot of food. Goodness, I think we had more than 15 pies, they were all delicious. Trust me, I sampled all of them just to make sure.

I know the saying “eating for two” is no longer acceptable, but this weekend I think I was eating for five, YIKES! When you’re expecting no one judges you for taking that third piece of pie. There’s something about southern food that’s sooo good. I mean I don’t know what half the casseroles had in them, but they were all tasty. One with pineapple and cheese that was to-die-for. Don’t even get me started on the stuffing! We did work off some of the food with two days of shopping.

To top of a perfect weekend when I got back home I was greeted by my older sister Jessica, her husband Steve and my two nephews Stephen and David at my house. They helped put up my Christmas tree, it was so much fun! I love family!

Rachel Pierce