If you haven't heard this weekend is the Variety The Children's Charity Telethon! Almost all my family is in town this weekend to support the cause, driving in from Sioux Falls, SD and Chippewa Falls, WI and flying in from Naples, FL. My sister Magdalena Battles is an amazing singer and a new performer this year! You can watch her from 2am-7am on Sunday.
This organization is near and dear to my heart. I currently am on the board and help out in anyway possible. Let me tell you why I'm committed to the fundraising efforts of Variety – The Children’s Charity.
We know the NICU care in the early months of a child's life play a critical role; however, not all children, regardless of their start in the world, are as fortunate. Having said that, Variety – The Children's Charity helps these less fortunate children who are challenged with poverty, neglect, and physical and mental disabilities. I work to raise money for these kids because they can't do it themselves... so please help.
With this information in mind, I hope that as you consider numerous requests for donations this year, you will consider becoming a miracle in the life of an Iowa child by supporting Variety. Variety-The Children's Charity is happy to receive any amount of money, however, a "half miracle pledge" is only $26, a "miracle pledge" $52 and a "double miracle pledge" $104. Any of these amounts, when put all together, can make a huge difference to children and the services they are provided by the Variety – The Children's Charity.
I will be working the weekend of this weekend March 6-7 and you can always make a pledge then!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I recognize how busy we all are and how we must all carefully consider which causes to support. If you would like to show you support the link below is a very easy way to help out!
https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorreg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=335937&supId=283110498&extSiteType=1Thank you again! And don't forget to tune into ABC5 starting Saturday at 7pm until Sunday at 6pm. You'll see myself, Brad Edwards, Amanda Krenz and celebrities from all over the world!
Rachel Pierce