Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Lies Beneath

I couldn't be happier that the snow is melting. Granted, that means we're on constant flood patrol and our team of reporters and meteorologists are staying on top of the situation. Also, the snow melt reveals the unattractiveness of our society... LITTER.
I've been appalled at how much litter has been hiding under the snow banks. Highway ditches look like trash cans, and the sides of city streets look like people just don't care. Just the other day I looked out my window at the grass median near Jordan Creek Town Center. In the small area directly outside my window there were several fast food wrappers, bags, and an empty box of cigarettes. Gross. Is it really so hard to throw that stuff away?
Here's my fear. City's, counties, and states don't have the funds to clean this trash up. The winter plowed through snow removal budgets and money for road repairs. My other worry is that it simply may not be a top priority. I know Iowa has the Adopt-a-Highway program. I took part in that program a couple times when I was younger. It's not glamorous, but it's a much-needed program. I hate to think of what happens when all that junk sits around, blows away, or spills into the environment. It just shouldn't happen.