Monday, March 15, 2010

Time for Galoshes

We bought Maddox some new galoshes over the weekend. I figured it was good timing, put the snow boots away and try to keep the tennis shoes clean. He was so excited about them he wore them to daycare today. His teacher asked if he got new boots and he quickly corrected her, "They're not boots, they're galoshes."

Here are a couple other Maddox funnies:

Last week my husband took him to a book store that had a bin full of toys for sale in the middle of the kids' section. Maddox loved a little bus, but my husband didn't want to get it. It was probably worth a quarter, but the price tag said six dollars. You understand. So they started to leave the bookstore and Maddox was upset. He didn't want to leave without that bus. So, as my husband carried him out, he started yelling, "Somebody help me! Somebody help me!" Not good. My husband looked at people and smiled, trying to reassure them he was not kidnapping the poor kid.

When they were in the car Maddox explained to my husband, "I don't like Daddy. I like Mommy." That made me smile.

Along those same lines... My husband asked Maddox the other day, "Who's your favorite daddy in the whole world?" Maddox answered, "Mommy." :) He was probably still scarred from not getting the little bus at the book store.

Thanks for reading,
