Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Two More Weeks

The countdown is really on now with about two weeks to go. Our lil' girl is due April 2nd and I thought it would be fun to get co-workers, family and friends to guess her due date, her birth weight and length. (see picture) I've received dozens of guesses, most have me going past my due date and having about a seven pound baby that's around 20 inches long. My husband thinks I'm going to have the baby THIS Thursday. I told him not to be disappointed when the day comes and goes and there's no baby.

Everyone keeps asking if I'm ready to have this baby. To be honest it's been such an easy pregnancy that I've enjoyed it! I love feeling her move and grow. Yes it will be nice to get my old body back and to be able to walk up stairs without being out of breath but, I can wait the few weeks we have left. I guess I haven't gotten to that super uncomfortable stage, but there's still time.

All the baby showers are done, everyone has been so generous to us! I can't believe how cute some of the baby clothes we have gotten as gifts are, I wish they were in my size! The nursery is pretty much done. All we need now is for the furniture we ordered months ago to arrive, most likely won't come until after the baby is born. I'll post pictures when it's all set up. My husband is still building on a bassinet, it's looking really good so far. He's so handy!

The only big thing we still haven't done is pick a pediatrician. We've talked to one and meet with a couple more next week. My fingers are crossed that we'll make a decision before the baby comes.

In the meantime our hospital bags are packed and we're just waiting. This pregnancy has gone by so fast!
Rachel Pierce