Thursday, February 4, 2010

Big News!

Hi blog readers, this is Amanda with a big announcement. I'm expecting! We just found out yesterday that we're having a BOY. I'm about half way through my pregnancy with a due date of June 21st.

Lately we've been asking our two-year-old if he would like a baby brother or sister. He responded with, "No, not really."

For those of you calculating Rachel's due date, we're about three months apart. It's been so much fun sharing my pregnancy experience with my coworker who sits beside me on the anchor desk and right across from me in the newsroom. We didn't plan on being pregnant at the same time but, it's been great going through this together.

Hopefully you'll continue to follow our blog as we both continue on our journey of motherhood. As always feel free to share your parenting stories with us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for reading,
