Friday, February 26, 2010

Quotes of the day

Nearly everyday my two-year-old, Maddox, says something that totally surprises me or cracks me up. So I thought, why not share them with you? Here are a few recent ones:

Last night Maddox did a big dramatic fake sneeze. A big "Uh... uh... uh... uh... CHOO!" Then he looked at me and my husband and said with a smile, "gesundheit."

No idea where he learned that, but it was hilarious! He pronounces the word better than I do.

Last week it was snowing hard when my husband picked Maddox up from daycare. As they were driving home Maddox looked out the window and said, "Daddy it's snowing so hard I can't even see the earth."

I think it was the day before that when I was driving Maddox to daycare and he started repeating, "Slow down, Mommy, apply the brakes." Apply the brakes? Must come from all the Thomas the Tank Engine cartoons.

Hope these made you smile.
