Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"The Glow"

So today we aired a story about pregnancy, weight gain and how really an average sized pregnant woman should only gain up to 25 pounds. At my doctors office they said between 25 to 35 pounds. Early in the pregnancy I thought, “that's easy to stay in that range, gosh I can't even imagine gaining 25 pounds.” I have really changed my tune and to be honest I will be in that range, but definitely in the high end when it's all said and done. That's why I think it's funny when people say "Oh it's all baby.” Huge lie people, I have a mirror at my house. Or they say, "You have the pregnancy glow". Really? All I hear is “your face is getting round and you look warm.” Which are both true. I used to be cold ALL the time, now my husband complaining that the house is too cold...and I'm sweating!

I did have one funny little experience. I was at a metro school to give a "One Classroom at Time" one thousand dollar grant. The secretary asked me when I was due. With my straightest face I said "I'm not pregnant" even though I was about seven months along at the time and really showing. She went completely pale. I said I was kidding fairly quickly. I know it was mean, but in that moment I just couldn't help it.

Now, at eight months pregnant, I don't mind the weight gain or the swollen ankles or restless nights. I know in five weeks when I'm holding my little one it will all be worth it. I do see some hard workouts and strict diets in my future.

Rachel Pierce